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Marina Event Center
at the Pittsburg Elks Lodge
Venue Rental Rates

Members of the Pittsburg Elk's Lodge #1474 receive a 25% discount off of Room Rental Fees!
Click here for more information.
Saturday Rates:
The Daytime Rental is applied only to events that end by 4pm with clean up commencing no later than 5pm.
The Evening Rate is applied to all other events.
Additional Expenses:
Depending on the size & type of your event, we may be required to have one or more security guards on site. Security is charged at $55 per hour with a 6 hour minimum per guard.
As with most hall rentals we do require that the renter obtain one day Event Insurance. We offer the appropriate coverage at a discounted rate of $176. You may also discuss alternatives with the Rental Manager.​
What do you need to Reserve our Venue?
Make sure you've confirmed the availability with our Rental Manager.
Fill out the "Hold the Date" contract. Click here to download the contract.
A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to Save Your Date. You can make this payment by check, cash, or card.
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